Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Review on Beijaflore

It sounds to be a nice compagny. You will be recruited only about who you are ("recrutement par profil") and not for a job linked to a contract with a customer.
You will have an interveiw every 3 month with your "carrer manager". Because Beijaflore is a "Cabinet de consil" and not a SSII, there are :
* a human ressource department
* a business manager: he is supposed to find jobs
* a carreer manager: he is supposed to help you to achieve your personnal project

Learn new stuffs is really important. So Beijaflore lead to you many solutions : thursday class, "theleves" and "cercle de compétence". All these stuffs are provided in the "E-Center", in the main building Paris XVI (really nice building).

People are young, motivated, dynamic. Plus everyone wear a suit (ok it's normal but there is a way to be from Beijaflore, like when you work for accenture).

What can I had? Yeah, the girl tease me a little bit because she wants to know if I prefer working for a big compagny or for a "conseil" compagny. Today I don't know. I guess I prefer working for a big compagny because it is more secure I guess if I want to buy an appartement for exemple. But Beijaflore is quite famous too. So it is intersting to work for them. But the main question is : "do I want to work for a firm or beijaflore?".

Stay tuned ...

Monday, June 12, 2006


Review Ausy

About Ausy, I have a little trouble : I don't remember a lot ... So I will add stuff there later.

What I remember is :
* grow from its own,
* 70% regis et 30% forfait (à vérifier)
* you can learn new stuff like "project manager" inside the compagny.
* you can easily learn new stuffs (to check?)
* easy to move in the country
* 1 manager for 20 people
* you can become an expert on something

Questions :
* ambiance au sein de l'entreprise? Réuninon entre les collaborateurs?
* salaire?
* evolution de carrière?


Review Astek

This one is french now, but I will translate it in english later

implanté national et londres-finance
un manager pour 25-30 ingé
tous les managers sont issus d'école d'ingénieur
plusieurs secteurs d'activité
a paris: 150 industrie 150telecom 50finance 50 gestion 50admin
çà a pas l'air évident de travailler sur des techno qu'on ne connait pas
70% des offres sont en support / assistance technique.
là où on peut apprendre des trucs c'est sur les forfaits qui sont faits en interne.
je n'ai pas eu l'impression que les souhaits du consultant étaient vraiment pris en compte.


Review Aptus

The guy who talked to me was nice and a new worker. He wasn't "dynamique". He believes into the compagny, but he did't show it.
Aptus has existed for 10 years. It is growing from its own. Around 600 ingineers in 2005 and an income of 37M€.
The is an event a month like a karting race, a football/soccer match.
The main customers are: thales, sagem, FT...
An answer is given around 3 weeks later.
Multi competence: audit/consei, forfait/maitrise d'ouvrage, regi/assistance technique and another one.
You may work in various field: military, medical, mobile phone, energie (GE, Areva)etc...
About salary: fix between 30-32k€
Aptus is not build around business unit like Alten or Altran.
Most of job are in regi.
The compagny grows on itself: it doesn't buy other firms.


Review Teleca

Nice people, they looked motivated about the compagny.
Main tasks/most tasks are "forfait" inside their buildings. It is the old Ericsson R&D department.
You ca easily learn new stuff. You should stay there around 5years.
I shoud ask things again.


Review on Davidson

Davidson is a young SSII. It exist only for 8 months. The guy I met is Jonathan Herschtal. He belives in his compagny. Plus he is so enthousiasm and dynamic. I really like him.

Many expert senior are working there and most customers are famous firms. There is a nice way to communicate, a newsserver, an extranet. The co-optation is the main way to recruit new people. You should stay there many years. Most of the "contract" are "au forfait". One manager manage around 10 ingineers.

Plus Davidson ask compagnies for a job instead of waiting for "appels d'offres".

This compagny really got me.


Review Elsys Design

Nothing to say except it is not "funny". The guy who welcome me was so boring that I will nerver call him back. Plus the salary is only 28k€ + 3k€ as a variable part.


News from a busy man

Hi guys! It's a long time I haven't post anythings. That's because I am so busy with my internship and all these interviews .... Tonight I am postin few reviews instead of applying for jobs in famous firms like nortel, thomson, wavecom and so.... My mum is complying about that. She told me that "there are so many busy man in the graveyard..." understand what you want, but according to here I am forgiving the main things like family, rest, give news from me, and so.... I let you think about this sentence and feel free to add any comment.

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