Thursday, March 29, 2007


Audio codec test

Hi again !

I am thinking of a project of a huge video database at home. The main idea is that :

1. encoding all my dvds on one hard drive,

2. the videos may be broadcastable on my WAN based on wifi (802.11b, so only 11Mb/s),

3. quality must be pretty good on a laptop.

So I was looking for the more interesting audio/video setting for a movie which rispond on these criteria.About the video codec, the choice is pretty easy :

1. xvid/divx is an old generation of codec mpeg4-part 2,

2. or H264 the new generation of video codec (mpeg4-part10). This one is used by HD-DVD.

So I choosed the video codec x264 (open source implementation of h264). I am using this setting : 2 pass, 384kb/s, width 352x288 (around this, it is the analog TV resolution). Quality from 25 to 51 step 4.

About the audio codec, I found two interesting test :

1. @ 80kb/s

2. @96kb/s

To sum up, the winners are AAC and Vorbis codecs. But, under linux, you can use faac for AAC codec, which is really bad according this test today. So I am using Vorbis, with quality 1,5 (around 80kb/s) or 2,3 (around 98kb/s). It is better than the old mp3 codec.

Finally, about the container, I don't really have the choice. So I am using ogm container, even if I would like to use mp4 container. But to do that, faac have to be better than today.

Now I have to find a way to configure vlc-server ;).

Have a lot of fun.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


I'm alive ! Post about new graduated who are looking for a first job

Hi all !

I am coming back to my blog ;) Yea, now I am so motivate to fill it. As on this title, this post is about the feelings of new graduated today, when we are looking for a (first) job. There is a kind of ill I think. Most of us are feeling to be "meat", and it is so bad to feel that way! This is overall right for engineers in France. According to me, this feeling comes from the SSII companies, who nobody be care of you. You are only a way to make money. Your "manager" don't care about your carrier or anything else. It is so sad. So many blogs are relaving this disease, but there are in french. So if you want to read it, here are few URL :

Les Recruteurs ont aussi des devoirs

Les recruteurs doivent s'adapter aux jeunes candidats zappeurs

Everything you can read there is so right for any SSII companies (ok, it is the second time I write it :p ).

And I give you 2 really good blogs :


J'aime ma boite elle non plus

Have a look on the book "le livre noir du consulting" writed in 2001. It is on the SSII world and, five years later it is so true!

Nice reading ;)

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