Sunday, July 20, 2008


My clothes websites

Here are some interesting clothes websites :

1. Shirt : Only one brand : Xoos. Plus, the store rue de turenne, paris, is cheaper than the website.
2. Everything : (Amex accepted)
3. Everything :
4. Everything : (Amex?)
5. Men underwear : (Amex Accepted)
6. Men underwear : (Amex Accepted)
7. Private sales from not famous designer :
8. Shoes :
9. Shoes :
10. Shoes :
11. Everything : (Amex Accepted)
12. club at cost

And to get some news :
1. Fashion Blog with good deal :
2. How to shave your face

Paris Streets :
1. rue d'alesia,
2. Au passage de l’industrie, métro Strasbourg St Denis (shampoo, hair product)
3. rue de turenne,
4. rue de grennelle (very expensive brands)
5. rue meysley (shoes)
6. rue des rosiers (billtornade, rosewood & garrice)


Few US Clothes website

Today, I'm wondering if buying clothes on US website may be a good idea. You know, the difference between euro / dollar is quite good to me ;).

So, I found some news on these websites :
* advise s about buying something from a foreign website (French)
* advises from Ebay website (French)
* import fess (French)
* French advises
* to convert the price

To sum up the idea, you may pay :
1. the US price,
2. shipping fees worldwide (around 30$)
3. customs fees and import duties (19,6% + ~4%)
===> final euro prics = (US price + shipping fees) * 1,24

Few nice US websites :
* (clothes)
* (high tech)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


A way to prepare your trip

Hi all!

That's the begenning of an article about travelling. It is to sum up really useful web site to prepare a trip ;)

- A flight ticket
* <==on a mobile device

- book an hostel / bed and breakfast / younth sth

Wednesday, July 02, 2008


Mobile VoIP / VoIP over a 3G network

Hi All !

Tonight, I thought a little bit about the interest of a VoIP call over EDGE / 3G mobile network. According to my test, one of the best way to do that is to use tivi program ( But, thinking about cost, it doesn't seem to be a good deal. read this exemple :

the GSM codec is around 13kbit/s bandwith. So, a 1min call needs around 100ko (13*60/8). Okay, silence are reduced to zero, but voice is on two ways ;). And how much is 100ko? Take the French exemple. My mobile provider is Orange. If I go to Russia, I will be charged 0,13euros for 10ko. So, 1min will be around 1,30 euros + fees from VoIP provider. If I use EQO or VYKE call back system, I will be charged inbound call (around 0,5euros), plus EQO fees ....and it is really cheaper ;).

You can think that the tivi application use a low quality GSM codec, so 5kbit/s, but noone knows. Plus, it isn't written on tivi website.

So, use EQO - like systems to give a call, if you don't have a wifi access ;) (and a cell phone with this feature).

Enjoy travelling ;)

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