Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Some tricks to use a CLI mail client on windows (MUA and MTA)

Hi all!

Tonight, I was looking on how to use a CLI mail client on Windows. I found :

* Alpine
* Mutt.

I have choosed to use Alpine, which look more adapt on windows. So, here is a quick setup how to.

Then, you can mix Alpine with stunnel and avast for a light mail solution on your laptop.

You can add some check spelling.

If you want to manage you professionnal email over MS Exchange (OWA), you can use some additionnal tools such as :
* msfetch
* OWA sync

Additionnal interesting links:
quick how to about interfacing msfetch and mutt
light data base
pmail, or a way to send emails
mail server easy to setup on linux only
mutt and ldap
mail drop on alpine
mbox on alpine
how to save email on your local hard drive with alpine, it means how to work offline with Alpine
Alpine mail client installation
Maildrop Alpine feature: it moves a message from a remote/local folder to another remote/local folder
A PINE dedicated website
another PINE configuration example
dealing with PGP and ALPINE mail client. It is based on filter definition. May work with WinXP
a project to glue PGP and alpine (official wabsite). Works on Unix. It is a start point to work with windows
some additionnal explication about TOPAL configuration on ArchLinux
another how to on alpine, in French

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Monday, February 15, 2010


Comparison between varisous script langages

You can have a look on :
* Bench 1 : Lua is a very interesting langage
* Bench 2: more a mailing list.


Emacs as a modern IDE

Hi all,

I have learnt how to use Emacs when I was a student in my engineering school. Since that day, I have always work with emacs, on Linux, FreeBSD and Windows computers.

Today, I was looking ahead a way to boost my day life with Emacs at work. Yes, I'm using emacs at work as main text editor. As an embedded engineer, I'm coding in C ans assembly with Emacs, using IDE like Keil only for compiling and debugging.

So, to improve Emacs, I have found some wounderful modules :

You may need to get some additionnal information about emacs installation / configuration on Windows. So, go on the emacs installation page.

Some additional links:
* Basic types on Emacs, etags definition.
* very good Emacs shortcut reminder.
* Emacs Tuto 2.
* how to use Ebrowse the native C/C++ browser in emacs.
* a blog around emacs and software developement.
* a lisp cookbook for emacs
* list of emacs plugins
* MAGIT, a GIT extension for emacs
* browsing C sorce code with Emacs

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