Friday, January 14, 2011


How to speed up compiling time using GCC


If you are using a toolchain based on GCC, you should have a look on the following tools :
1. ccache caches all your compilation in a separate folder. It makes compilation quicker because all the intermediate (*.o) files are saved and "signed" into a different folder than your regular output. So, even if you do a "make clean", recompiling everything will be pretty fast!
2. distcc lets you use as many computers as you want to share compilation ressources.
3. ccontrol help you to use various toolchains
4. dmucs helps distcc to find the better server at anytime
5. crosstool helps you to build your cross compilation toolchain.
And think about using a "make -j N", with N>=2 (starting from 2 if you have only a CPU with one core)

You can use them EVEN IF you are using only 1 computer / laptop.

And now, some "how to" and explanation about them:
1. Intel : explain everything about the ccache configuration, with a cross compilation part.
2. Ibm : quiet the same than the Intel webpage
3. basic configuration of ccache and distcc
4. some figures about time saving
5. a cross compilation configuration
6. experience from a blogger using ccache, written in summer 2010

Enjoy you compiling time ;)

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