Saturday, January 08, 2011


Minimalist, lightweight web browser

Hi foxes!

I met some friends this week, and during discussion around web browsers, one of my friend told me that he is using vimperator. He explained to us that is helps him to save time, because everything is VI binding (he is a vi-fan boy).

So, back to home, I looked for the same software, but with emacs key binding. And there is a webbrowser based on Gecko rendering engine using extensively emacs binding : Conkeror (with a "C").

Additionnaly, I found some interesting web browsers like :
1. surf
2. jumanji
3. vimprobable
4. a list of lightweight applications on linux, macosx, win32

For 2 days I'm using Conkeror, and the rendering is maybe slower than using opera 11.00 / build 1156 for windows XP, presto 2.7.62; but navigating through multiple tabs or inside a webpage is great. When you are used to have many opened tabs (like 20+), you can be more productive with such tools, using only keystrokes.

My Conkeror version is 0.9.3, with xulrunner version I have added basic plugins from mozilla addons like : noscript, flashblock, flashgot (to use orbit downloader), adblock plus.

An idea to replace adblock plugin is to use privoxy

EDIT: January 9th 2011
You can use these local proxies to remove ads / add adblocks feature:
1. privoxy
2. bfilter, include a Heuristic Flash analyzer.
3. tinyproxy

And links to convert the Easylist (provided by AdBlock Plus plugin) to :
2. comments about the script just above

You can read the maemo wiki about that.

EDIT: January 12th 2011
some conkeror customisation like enabling the url history management.

Have a look on them ;)

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